Please give a warm
welcome to author, Mandy Nachampassack-Maloney.
Mandy is going to tell us all about the inspirations behind her latest book…
Asha In Time
One moment she was just an
average little girl: playing with her toys; receiving her schooling; getting
ready to celebrate the 13th birthday that would launch her fully
into her teen years. In the next moment she was an ancient Egyptian priestess,
songstress, and love interest of the heir apparent- Ramses the Great. She could
never go back, but somehow, some way she'd have to go forward among the
intrigue and rough waters of cutthroat Egyptian politics. For this teen, it was
become queen or die trying.
True story, that's
Specifically the idea
for Asha in Time, especially for the main character Isetnofret, came from
reading two books from separate authors which paint her in a pretty villainous
light. I loved one of the books (it still holds a place of honor on my favorites
shelf) but wanted to give this poor girl some of her honor back. We only know
two things about Isetnofret; her name and that she was married to Ramses.
Everything else has been lost to the sands.
We do know a ton more
about Nefertari, Ramses’ first Great Wife. Yet just because Ramses clearly
dearly loved Nefertari, that doesn't mean Isetnofret had to be a terrible
woman. Marriage, especially the way royals did it in Egypt and in many other
historic populates , was quite a different institution than the way we practice
it today. I wanted to explore all those differences, shed light on all
those unknowns. I hope I succeeded.
Links to purchase
About the author
Mandy Nachampassack-Maloney wrote her debut paranormal romance novel,
Autumnal Dancer, when she was 20 years old. She quickly followed that up with
Asha in Time. In her free time Mandy writes about the dangers of parenting
(projectile body fluids, going to work on two hours of sleep, raising two
headstrong children who can talk back in foreign languages) and manages a group
of very dedicated volunteers. To see
what Mandy is working on next visit her at
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See you on your next coffee break!
Take Care,
Mary Anne xxx