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author, David Ebsworth, and find out what inspired him to write:
The Doubtful
Diaries of Wicked Mistress Yale.
was a chance meeting. Our Wrexham MP Ian Lucas asking me if I’d ever thought of
writing a story about local historical celebrity Elihu Yale. Yale has a fine and
famous tomb in the grounds of St. Giles Parish Church and is taught to Wrexham
school kids as the philanthropist who bequeathed some of his wealth, and his
name, to help found one of the world’s most famous universities, in New Haven,
Connecticut. But I knew enough else about Yale to understand that, while he may
have been the original nabob, he also
made much of his wealth through the Indian slave trade – and thus he didn’t
interest me much as a protagonist for a novel. But life’s never that simple
and, out of respect for Ian’s own interest, I decided to dig a bit deeper.
a curious thing, writing historical fiction. Definitely an element of karma about it at times and this was no
exception, for I immediately, and almost by accident, then stumbled on a copy of
Elihu Yale’s will, sent to me from the National Archives. And a remarkable
document it turned out to be. This entry, a single line: To My Wicked Wife… And then? Nothing. No bequest. Not even her
name. Simply a large blank space.
who was she, this wife of Elihu Yale? And why so wicked?
Elihu’s various biographies, Catherine gets barely a mention, and whenever
she’s mentioned the facts are invariably wrong. It took me a long time to piece
together her story so that I think I now know most of what we’ll ever really
discover about Mistress Yale and, while I can’t be entirely certain why Elihu
chose to brand her his “wicked wife”, I’m pretty certain we’re close to the
truth. Enough, at least, to convince me that Ian Lucas might be right, that
Elihu Yale’s story might indeed be worth telling – but through the eyes of his
much-maligned and almost forgotten wife, Catherine. Not a novel though, but a
trilogy, the first part of which has hit the streets this month. It’s called The Doubtful Diaries of Wicked Mistress Yale
and here’s a short summary:
1721, and elderly Catherine
Yale discovers that her second husband Elihu has left her nothing in his will
except the slur of naming her a “wicked wife.” True, her private journals are
filled with intimacies: her inner thoughts about life in Old Madras, where the
East India Company’s intrigues are as complex as any in the Mughal Emperor’s
court; about the conflicts she must endure as a mother now to the additional
children she has conceived with Elihu; about her role as a spy for the
political factions determined to prevent a Catholic succession to the English
crown; and about the realisation that she is now wed to a husband she is
quickly coming to despise. Yet these past fifty years, since the early days of
her short and tragic first marriage to darling Joseph, the diaries have been
kept safe and secret. Or have they? Perhaps it’s time to read them afresh, to
go back before the days when Elihu first betrayed her, before she was betrayed
also by the East India Company women who should have stood at her side – before
she wreaked her own special revenge on them all.
A lot of the story is pure
invention but all Catherine’s family background is authentic. And that
background has helped me to write this historical fiction in the way I like
best. To bring some lesser-known but important periods and incidents to a wider
public. In this case the story of nabob
philanthropist Elihu Yale – yet a very different story from the one we think we
know. Yale the Indian slave trader. Yale the philanderer. Yale the usurer.
The novel, my seventh, was
published on 8th April but was also available to pre-order during
January through a Kickstarter crowd funding campaign – which is interesting in
itself. So why was I wanting to crowd
fund for this novel when I've already published previously? Well, I'm an
"indie" author so have to raise the costs of publishing the books
myself before I can sell them and (hopefully) turn a profit. That's nothing
new. It's exactly how writers like John Milton and Mark Twain (plus
countless other authors between the 17th and 19th Centuries) always
worked. They had to fund their own books, Paradise Lost and The
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, through ‘subscriptions’, taking pre-orders
to cover the publication costs.
But apart from raising the publishing costs, crowd funding for
authors like me has another serious advantage. It’s great to have people
"invest" in the book by ordering copies in advance, because this is
proper market-testing, proving that there’s real interest in the story. Apart
from that, each crowd funding campaign I’ve run has opened up loads of new
networking links that helped me market the novels. And, just like the
subscription books of old, those who help to see it published get the
recognition they deserve by having their names listed in the acknowledgements
section of the book itself.
The downsides? Crowd funding campaigns can’t succeed, first, unless
the author’s got an existing and extensive social media presence; second, unless
the campaign appeals both to crowd funding “investors” as well as simply to
readers; third, unless the publication costs have been calculated properly, to
include the value of the book copies or other goodies needed to fulfill the
Rewards offered to subscribers; and, fourth, unless the author has sufficient
reserves to make up any shortfall in the unlikely event that the campaign falls
a bit short of its target because, as we all know, we should never embark on a
campaign that we don’t know, with absolute certainty, we can win! Those things
aside, there is the slight downside that taking pre-orders in this way
diminishes, to some extent, the “buzz” and sales at the book’s actual
publication date. But, for me, those are minor considerations, more than offset
by the knowledge that the novel has paid for itself before it’s even launched.
second novel in the trilogy, Wicked Mistress Yale, The Glorious Return
is due for publication in late-autumn 2019, and picks up Catherine's story with
her return to a London turned upside down in 1689, while the third part, Wicked
Mistress Yale, The Parting Glass, is scheduled for release in mid-2020.

his retirement, Dave began to write historical fiction in 2009 and has
subsequently published six novels: political thrillers dealing with the 1745
Jacobite rebellion, the 1879 Anglo-Zulu War, the Battle of Waterloo, warlord
rivalry in sixth century Britain, and the Spanish Civil War. His sixth book, Until
the Curtain Falls returns to that same Spanish conflict, following the
story of journalist Jack Telford, and is published in Spanish under the title Hasta
Que Caiga el Telón. Jack Telford, as it happens, is also the main
protagonist in a separate novella, The Lisbon Labyrinth.
of Dave’s novels has been critically acclaimed by the Historical Novel Society
and been awarded the coveted BRAG Medallion for independent authors.
seventh novel, The Doubtful Diaries of Wicked Mistress Yale, is the
first in a trilogy about the life of nabob philanthropist (and slave-trader)
Elihu Yale, told through the eyes of his much-maligned and largely forgotten
wife, Catherine.
with David: Website.
Thanks for posting Mary Anne. I was offline on Tuesday but will look out for any comments or questions about the Yale story. Hope you're OK x