
Friday 30 August 2019

#HistoricalFiction author, Brook Allen, is talking about finding your tribe. There is also a chance to check out Brook's fabulous book — Antonius: Son of Rome #AncientRome @1BrookAllen

Find your Tribe…
By Brook Allen

Since returning from a phenomenal weekend at the Historical Novel Society's bi-annual conference, I wanted to blog on a particular subject that has become near and dear to my heart. 

Find your tribe.

It doesn't matter what your occupation might be. It doesn't matter your interest. The importance of finding and mingling among like-minded people is tantamount to your advancement. In his book on life-empowerment, 
Alaric Hutchinson writes:

"On the road to success, there is always room to share appreciation and gratitude for other people’s successes."

Perhaps it's different for other occupations, and I won't attempt to presume to know. But among writers, it is simply NECESSARY to have an open, honest camaraderie. We need people to read our work--preferably other writers. There are times when we may need a blurb or review to help us along, driving our work forward into the limelight. Upon other occasions, merely conversing, sharing, and crying on one another's shoulders is a healthy release amid the stress of deadlines, edits, and the process of publication.

With my editor-extraordinaire, Jenny Quinlan who has given me the fire to finish my trilogy and begin future projects.

The Historical Novel Society has introduced me to a wealth of people who are varying degrees of--ME! We share dreams, successes, and if there's a failure, we commiserate with one another. This week, I had several precious, memorable days with my other "selves," laughing, discussing our work, and celebrating craft. For me, I was able to revel in just BEING an author--accepting praise for my work, selling it, signing, it, and (hopefully) inspiring writers who haven't reached that point quite yet but are striving to do so.

With key-note speaker and bestselling author, Jeff Shaara, who wrote the epic GODS AND GENERALS, which was eventually made into a movie..

This past March, shortly after the launch of Son of Rome, I beta-read a book for a friend who was in the process of seeking representation for her work. I found myself looking FORWARD to returning home from work to get back to her novel, and I was totally immersed in it. After finishing the read, I thought, "Wow. This really might be her ticket. She may win an agent with this one." 

Well, this week she did. After receiving not one or two, but FIVE offers from highly respected agents, my friend Sarah made the choice that was the "right fit" for her. I was ECSTATIC! Somebody I KNEW, who had read MY WORK, was getting the chance of a lifetime. And I had grown enough myself to have RECOGNIZED the spark in her work that made it happen. And how did all this transpire for both me and for her? 

​Friends, we had found our tribe. Now, go out there and find YOURS.

Son of Rome
By Brook Allen

For over two-thousand years, Marcus Antonius—Marc Antony—has been one of history’s most controversial men. His story was buried with him and written by his enemies. Now his entire saga is revealed in a compelling trilogy by Brook Allen.

After young Marcus Antonius’s father dies in disgrace, he yearns to restore his family’s honor during the final days of Rome’s dying Republic. Marcus is rugged, handsome, and owns abundant military talent, but upon entering manhood, he falls prey to the excesses of a violent society. His whoring, gambling, and drinking eventually reap dire consequences. Through a series of personal tragedies, Marcus must come into his own through blood, blades, and death. Once he finally earns a military commission, he faces an uphill battle to earn the respect and admiration of soldiers, proconsuls, and kings. Desperate to redeem his name and carve a legacy for himself, he refuses to let warring rebels, scheming politicians, or even an alluring young Egyptian princess


Marcus met the king’s eyes for the first time. Lined with thick kohl, they were puffy with insomnia or drink. A red-veined, hook nose jutted from his face, vulture-like. The man was downright unhealthy. Could he even make it to Pelusium? What a fine mess it would be if he up and died while returning to Egypt. Ptolemy smiled wistfully.

“To think I’ll be back in Alexandria with my sons.” Marcus saw tears in his eyes. “And I pray my little Lotus Flower is safe,” he continued, directing his words to Antipater. “I left so quickly under cover of night; I couldn’t see to her safety. If Berenice has harmed Lotus, her death will be tortuous misery.”

Abruptly, the Egyptian ruler rolled off his dining couch and padded out of the room, overcome by emotion.

Antipater leaned in toward the three Romans, offering an excuse for his guest’s sudden exit. “‘Lotus’ is his favorite child. Her real name is Cleopatra. He claims she speaks six or seven different languages—and is barely fourteen. What an extraordinary child she must be.”

 Marcus barely listened. He was staring at the map, his fingers tracing the path from Jerusalem to Pelusium: the gateway of Egypt.

Pick up your copy of
Antonius: Son of Rome

Brook Allen
Brook Allen is a Music Educator in a rural community near Roanoke, VA. Aside from her regular classes, she teaches two ensembles, a Chorus and Recorder Consort. Born in Salt Lake City, UT, Brook was raised in Omaha, Nebraska and has lived all over the U.S., from the Pacific Northwest, all the way down to Florida. She graduated with a B.A. in Music Education and has a M. A. in Liberal Studies, with an emphasis on Roman History. Brook is happily married and has two energetic Labrador Retrievers. Voraciously active, she cycles, hikes, and loves to travel.
Connect with Brook: WebsiteTwitterFacebook.

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See you on your next coffee break!
Take Care,
Mary Anne xxx