
Monday 29 April 2024

A deliciously gothic story of wishes and curses – a new dark fairy tale set against a Victorian backdrop full of lace and smoke.

The Shadow in the Glass 
By JJA Harwood

Publication Date: 17th March 2022
Publisher: HarperVoyager
Page Length: 416 Pages
Genre: Historical Fantasy

Once upon a time Ella had wished for more than her life as a lowly maid.

Now forced to work hard under the unforgiving, lecherous gaze of the man she once called stepfather, Ella’s only refuge is in the books she reads by candlelight, secreted away in the library she isn’t permitted to enter.

One night, among her beloved books of far-off lands, Ella’s wishes are answered. At the stroke of midnight, a fairy godmother makes her an offer that will change her life: seven wishes, hers to make as she pleases. But each wish comes at a price and Ella must decide whether it’s one she’s willing to pay…

Pick up your copy of 
 The Shadow in the Glass 

JJA Harwood
JJA Harwood is an author, editor and blogger. She grew up in Norfolk, read History at the University of Warwick and eventually found her way to London, which is still something of a shock for somebody used to so many fields.

When not writing, she can be found learning languages, cooking with more enthusiasm than skill, wandering off into clearly haunted houses and making friends with stray cats. THE SHADOW IN THE GLASS is her debut novel.

Connect with JJA Harwood:


  1. Your book sounds amazing. I have added it to my TBR list!

  2. I will look forward to reading this one.

  3. Thank you for sharing. I am heading over to Amazon!!!

    1. You are more than welcome. I hope you enjoy The Shadow in the Glass.

  4. I don't read a lot of historical fantasy but I might make the excerpt with The Shadow in the Glass.

    1. The Shadow in the Glass really does sound amazing. I hope you enjoy it!

  5. Thank you for bringing this book to my attention. I shall be checking it out.


See you on your next coffee break!
Take Care,
Mary Anne xxx