
Wednesday 16 October 2024

Book Review - An Adventurer’s Contract by Penny Hampson

An Adventurer's Contract 
(Gentlemen, Book 4)
By Penny Hampson

Publication Date: 8th October 2024
Publisher: PP&M Publishing 
Page Length: 344 Pages
Genre: Historical Fiction / Historical Romance

A man on the hunt for a traitor. A woman in search of the truth.

Gabrielle Mercer is in trouble. Her cousin is missing, her father’s death looks like murder, and now there are rumours she is spying for the French. With no one to turn to, dare she accept help from a man she doesn’t like?

Jack Ashdown is on a mission to unmask a ruthless spy. Could it be the reclusive young Frenchwoman who has made no secret of her contempt for Englishmen like himself? Perhaps Gabrielle’s predicament will be the perfect opportunity to win her trust and do some spying of his own.

Getting close to one’s enemy is a dangerous option, but the stakes for Jack and Gabrielle are too high to ignore. Will their gamble to trust one another lead to disaster, or will they discover that neither of them is what they seem?

Jack Ashdown, former lieutenant of His Majesty’s Navy, craves adventure. Following a suspect through the roughest part of town is the ultimate adrenaline rush. But things don’t always go the way one envisages. Now Jack has to face the wrath of the Duke of Wheatley.

Gabrielle Mercer’s recollection of the life-threatening sea voyage when she was a child remains seared in her mind. She and her parents survived the ordeal and found refuge in England. But now she is a woman grown, and her parents deceased, her father having passed away recently. The only family she has left is her frail uncle and his son, Michel.

But now Michel is missing, and she cannot help but think the worst. She is also haunted by the lingering suspicion that her father’s demise was not accidental, but rather a result of his betrayal of their adopted country. She is committed to leaving no stone unturned in her quest for answers about her father’s death and Michel's disappearance.

Unbeknownst to Gabrielle, she had caught the attention of the Duke of Wheatley. Despite not being convinced of Gabrielle’s involvement in treasonous activities, Jack has been assigned to monitor her. A task that has become easier but also harder when his Aunt Augusta takes Gabrielle under her wing.

Can Jack truly trust Gabrielle, or is she just another Bonaparte spy?

Be prepared to be enthralled by Penny Hampson’s fabulous new book, An Adventurer’s Contract. Set in Regency England, this captivating tale reveals that nothing is as it seems and dark secrets hide beneath the glitz and glamour of the ton.

The Revolutionary government faced a conspiracy from multiple French émigrés who wanted to bring back the old regime with the support of foreign powers. Yet, some individuals favoured the new government and Napoleon Bonaparte. This novel delves into intelligence gathering, espionage, and counterespionage during this era. At the beginning of this novel, the War Office mistakenly thinks they have eliminated the danger posed by France on British soil, but this is not the case. In reality, the enemy is hiding in England, actively plotting, funding activities in France, and smuggling French products. Many involved live in the criminal underworld, but there are also those whose public persona covers a multitude of treacherous sins. Before it’s too late, the adventurous protagonists must reveal the truth and prevent the perpetrators from achieving their goals.

Jack’s successful encounter with the enemy at sea may have left him unscathed, but the same cannot be said about his new job working for the Duke of Wheatley. He was surprised to discover that certain aristocrats were collaborating with French conspirators. Nonetheless, precise planning is necessary to flush out these traitors. Jack is an adventurous man who thrives on taking risks and finds joy in the excitement of pursuit. In addition, he is a loyal patriot. Jack is a character that elicits an instant connection from readers. Despite his occasional foolish courage, he consistently maintains his honesty and is a genuinely likeable protagonist.

In the same way, Gabrielle elicits a particular response from the readers. With her privileged upbringing, she possesses a rare opportunity to aid her less fortunate compatriots by engaging in embroidery work, a skill she possesses great proficiency in. The death of her father has left her heartbroken, but she is also deeply troubled by the fear that he may have been a traitor, and she is determined to find out the truth, one way or another. The authentic likability and immeasurable bravery of Gabrielle enables a deep connection with Hampson's readers.

The introduction of various antagonists in this novel immediately sparks suspicion in the reader. These characters may seem charming, but they conceal a secret malevolence. The reader can only hope for the protagonists to come out unscathed after their encounters with these men. The antagonists’ portrayal is superb, and it plays a critical role in propelling the story forward. These characters are skilfully portrayed and have a haunting presence that sends shivers down the reader’s spine.

Despite his limited presence, the Duke of Wheatley’s actions have a profound effect on the main characters in the novel. Known for his sharp intelligence and no-nonsense attitude, he has gained a reputation for being ruthless and using unconventional methods to uncover French plots on British soil. He is definitely someone you should not trifle with, and he has high expectations for his agents, which Jack soon discovers. Nonetheless, he is an equitable individual who acknowledges that plans can occasionally fail. Despite his intimidating presence, his poor health makes him relatable and adds a human touch to his character.

The meticulous attention to historical detail in this novel is truly admirable; Hampson clearly dedicated significant time to accurately portraying this era. Every aspect of the character’s appearance, behaviour, and interaction with their surroundings has been extensively studied and flawlessly brought to life. The author’s description of the City of Bath is impressively precise, demonstrating a clear understanding of the city’s layout and the aristocracy's behaviour while residing there. Similarly, Falmouth in Cornwall was illustrated skilfully, emphasizing the significance of this bustling port town.

The main narrative is accompanied by a gentle romance. The romance is depicted in a convincing and beautifully crafted manner. Nevertheless, the bulk of this book is devoted to a thrilling adventure story, and it truly is a thrilling one!

From start to finish, An Adventurer’s Contract by Penny Hampson is an electrifying tale that holds the reader’s attention throughout. This book is so captivating that once readers start, they won’t be able to stop until they have turned the last page. It is in all ways a complete success and one I highly recommend.

Review by Mary Anne Yarde
Yarde Reviews & Book Promotion

Pick up your copy of
An Adventurer's Contract 

Penny Hampson

Penny Hampson writes mysteries, and because she has a passion for history, you’ll find her stories also reflect that. A Gentleman’s Promise, a traditional Regency romance, was Penny’s debut novel and the first of her Gentlemen Series. There are now three novels in the series, with the fourth, An Adventurer’s Contract, due to be released by the end of 2024. 

Penny lives with her family in Oxfordshire, and when she is not writing, she enjoys reading, walking, swimming, and the odd gin and tonic (not all at the same time).

Penny’s books are all available on Amazon:


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for this fabulous review, I'm so happy that you enjoyed it!

  2. I haven't read a historical romance in ages. When will your book be out on Kindle?

    1. Yes, Jamie, An Adventurer's Contract will be released as an ebook on 11th November, At present, it is only available as a paperback on Amazon.

  3. Many congratulations, Penny. I wish you all the best with your new book, it sounds like a fantastic read.

  4. This book sounds right up my street. I shall look forward to reading it.

  5. I do love a good adventure novel. I shall put a note in the diary for November 11th. Will it be out on KU?

    1. Hopefully it will meet your expectations! Yes, it will be on KU.

  6. Congratulations, Penny. I do love the cover.

    1. Thank you! Yes, I love the cover too; my designers did a great job matching the others in the series while making each one special.


See you on your next coffee break!
Take Care,
Mary Anne xxx