
Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Holand Press: Writing A New Chapter

 Holand Press: Writing A New Chapter

Books matter. Readers matter. Writers matter. As such, there is always a demand for new stories and new authors. Holand Press has been founded to help meet that demand.

Although we may be the new publishers on the block, there are two questions that we are most frequently asked. What type of books are you looking for? And what type of author are you looking for?

This blog aims to answer those questions.

The short answer to the first question is that we are looking for good books. Books which the reader is compelled to turn the pages of. Part of the purpose of a book is to make someone want to read another book (preferably a Holand Press title). We are looking to publish books, both fiction and non-fiction, which resonate or introduce audiences to brave, new worlds. Books which entertain and inform, as well as maybe even edify. Books which will reach and satisfy their readership.

Also, for a more pragmatic answer, we are looking to publish titles in a number of commercial genres: Crime/thrillers, history books, memoir/biography, historical and literary fiction. Do please check out our FAQs and submissions page for further information.

Mainstream houses and independent presses are releasing fewer titles and arguably taking fewer risks. It’s a problem for publishing, one which Holand Press intends to help solve.

As to the second question – what kind of authors are we looking for? – the short answer is those who wish to be read and are willing to work to reach their audience. We not afraid of shaping and amplifying new voices. Debut writers matters, and we are keen to help raise their sales and profile. But, as most gems need polishing, most debut authors need to be open to being edited and taking advice on promoting their work.

We are, of course, receptive to hearing from established authors. You may want to publish outside your normal genre. As well as looking to the future, we are mindful of the past. Previously released books can be republished and repromoted. We will consider publishing backlist titles. You may also be an author who has self-published, who wants to find a larger readership. We are happy to consider such authors. Please note that we are not a vanity press, however.

We hope that this first blog post has answered some questions you might have, and will encourage you to check out our books and get in touch should you wish to submit your manuscript.

Help us write a new chapter in our story, as well as yours…


Holand Press Interview

Tell us about Holand Press. What are you looking for?


We are a new, enterprising, enthusiastic and efficient independent publishers. We publish kindle editions as well as print on demand hardbacks and paperbacks. We set ourselves up to fill gaps in the market and give new voices a platform to find a readership. Major trade publishers, as well as independent presses, seem to publish far fewer titles nowadays and it is riskier for them to publish debut authors or writers who haven't wholly broken through. There are plenty of great authors writing crime/thrillers, historical and literary fiction. But there is also too much talent falling through the cracks. With some editorial and marketing help we hope to break more writers through and narrow their odds in reaching their audience.


Holand Press isn't a vanity press. We pay a royalty and our strategy is to work with our stable over a long period of time, publishing multiple titles, to build their brand and sales.


In terms of what we are looking for I would suggest that authors check out our website Holand Press - Holand Press

We already publish in a number of genres - including crime/thrillers, historical and literary fiction - but we are open to other submissions, whether fiction or non-fiction. We do not publisher erotica, illustrated or children's books, however. We can publish series or stand alone titles. As well as debut writers we are happy to publish more established names. We will consider backlist titles and books which have been self-published. We are already publishing a number of US as well as UK authors. We are understandably looking for writers, whether new or experienced, to submit to an editing process. It's rare that a submission is ready to be published as soon as it comes in. We need to ensure that each manuscript is polished and commercially viable. We also prefer working with writers who are engaged with the process of expanding their profile and readership.


Can you tell us about some of your titles and what we can expect from Holand Press?


We have published our first wave of ten titles or so, with another batch to be published next month. In some ways these titles reflect the taste of our staff and advisory board - consisting of historical fiction and crime/thrillers. But we are happy to publish outside these genres and take chances on new voices. Again, we would ask your readers to check out our website for our catalogue, but I particularly enjoyed The Magician's Daughter, a WW2 mystery, by Alison Chambers - and The Last Known Sighting by Barry Lees, a modern crime thriller.


I suppose readers can expect more of the same of what's on our list already (partly as we are keen to have authors publish multiple titles with us). But they can also expect more of other genres and periods as we look to expand our list. We will aim to publish over a hundred titles in 2025. We have a team of readers who enjoy going through submissions and we have a good idea of what can and does sell, so we are happy for writers to get in touch. We can be contacted at We would urge people to take a look at our website and read our FAQs etc beforehand.


What's it like, starting a new publishing venture?


Hard work, but exciting. Thankfully we have a team and advisory board pushing in the same direction. It's been a marriage of experience and enthusiasm. As much experience as we have, though, it's important to constantly evolve and take on board new ideas, as well as new writers. We need a business model and stable of authors which will help us grow over the next five years, not just five months. Like any business we need to be aware of controlling costs and maximising sales. But publishing can and should be fun. Selling books is not like selling beans. We are working with some wonderful people and helping writers to reach their readerships. There are worse jobs. Our mood is a lot sunnier than the weather at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your new business. Do you accept short-stories?


See you on your next coffee break!
Take Care,
Mary Anne xxx