
Thursday, 27 February 2025

Lincoln's Agent: The Hunt for a Killer by David Spitz


Lincoln's Agent: The Hunt for a Killer
By David Spitz

Publication Date: 13th June 2022
Publisher: Historium Press
Page Length: 399 Pages
Genre: Historical Mysteries

Intrigue, espionage, and romance in the midst of the American Civil War.

Maddie Cronin's game is seduction with plenty of bodies left in her wake - men of wealth, senators, generals, and even the vice president of the United States. Maddie has always been able to sidestep true love in her quest for power, until Arnett.

Arnett McCann is heart sore and heart sick. All he wants is to be left alone to do his job. But that is no way to live. As a U.S. Marshal for the Justice Department under President Lincoln, Arnett has always seen the law in black and white. You are either a criminal or you are not. Yet, with the looming Civil War and the attack on Fort Sumter, no one or nothing has shaken Arnett's sense of justice and he's kept his mind focused; that is, until Maddie Cronin walked into his life. Now he is out to get her and her associates, the notorious outlaws, Frank and Jesse James, before they and the secret organization, The Knights of the Golden Circle, bring down the federal government.

Pick up your copy of 
Lincoln's Agent: The Hunt for a Killer

David Spitz

I am David Spitz, and I am proud to bring you Lincoln’s Agent the Hunt for A Killer. My writing genre is Historical Fiction, especially eighteen and seventeen hundred’s American History. I am sixty-seven years old, is from and still lives Southeastern Illinois. I have always had a passion for writing especially after reading Ben Franklin’s autobiography and A Soldier’s Life by Mary Logan. Mary Logan was the wife of Southern Illinois’ own Major General John A. Logan from Murphysboro, Illinois, Illinois history, dates to the Civil and Revolutionary Wars.

As in History years go by and my passion as a lyricist returned in 2016. I published my first lyrics with Change/Makers publishing of Berkley, California and then again as an independent lyricist on SongBay, a songwriter’s platform in London, Englund. I decided to look for a Creating Writing Degree so I could finish my bachelors, complete my manuscript, and possibly to teach history. Unfortunately, due to changes in Education policies I was unable to fulfill that dream, however it did give me the time to improve my craft

Lincoln’s Agent was born out of two different ideas that kept nagging at me, until I finally put it in a manuscript. The first was a response to a request for a writing sample from one of the universities where I had applied. My character U.S. Marshal Arnett McCann was born as the result of this writing sample. The second influence was a conspiracy centering around the Knights of the Golden Circle and their association with guerilla fighters who fought along the Kansas/Missouri borders during the Civil War.

My writing style is that of a pantster, I write and develop the story as it comes to me while I’m at my desk. I consider myself to be a descriptive narrative writer. I see the scene develop and hear the dialogue in my head as if I’m watching a movie. A lot of my descriptive scenes in the first part of Lincoln’s Agent are from Shawnee National Forest in Southern Illinois a place I frequented as s young adult. Another place I have frequented often is the Lincoln home on South Eighth Street in Springfield, Illinois.

I am presently writing full time working on the sequel A Traitor’s Money- The Return.

Connect with David:


  1. Your book sounds absolutely brilliant and your cover is really beautiful. I will certainly be checking out your novel.

  2. Your book appears to be a captivating read. I’m curious to know what sparked your interest in writing about this particular period in history. Additionally, did you encounter any surprising revelations or insights during your research that influenced your narrative?


See you on your next coffee break!
Take Care,
Mary Anne xxx