Author’s Inspiration
~ Milana Marsenich
The Swan Keeper

The Girl
main inspiration for Lilly comes from the work I’ve done over the years with
children and teens. As a mental health therapist at a day treatment hospital
I’ve watched these young boys and girls struggle with the difficult, and often
tragic, events of their lives. I’ve witnessed their courage, resilience,
persistence, rebellion, and love as they’ve recovered from those traumas. I
wanted Lilly to portray this hope as she tries to make sense of a senseless
tragedy. Lilly knows who killed her father and yet no one will believe her.
Trauma is magnified when the event is dismissed or minimized. Lilly’s
imagination kicks in to befriend and protect her, to encourage her to trust
herself—not an easy thing to do when everyone tells her that she is lying.
The Sociopath
my work I’ve also encountered the calculated cruelty of sociopaths, those
people that, for whatever reason, do not have a conscience. These people are often
deceptively charming. But not in all places. When a person is charming and
sweet to one person in a family, but targets another, it can make the targeted
person feel pretty crazy. Dean Drake came right out of my experiences with
sociopaths. I don’t wish the experience on anyone. But once you’ve met one and
understand what you are dealing with, future sociopaths are easier to see.
Until then life with one can be, at best, confusing, and, at worst, dangerous.
In Lilly’s case, Dean Drake is dangerous.
The Swans
comfort and clues Lilly returns, again and again, to the Cattail Marsh to see
the trumpeter swans. This element of The Swan Keeper was inspired by my
volunteer work at the Montana Waterfowl Foundation. Trumpeter swans are amazing,
magical birds that turn violent when their young are threatened. Walk too close
to their nests and they will charge hissing. Other times they float peacefully
on the water. I heard it said somewhere that the swan represents the soul:
kind, loving, fierce. I’ve come to believe that suffering, painful as it is,
strengthens a person’s character and opens the soul to love and beauty.
my work at the Montana Waterfowl Foundation I was lucky enough to hold a trumpeter
swan on my lap while he was being banded. The swan went completely still, as
quiet and winter. Holding that swan, I felt wrong, out of place, blessed. Later
that same day we went to the Ninepipe Reservoir and released ten captive-raised
trumpeter swans to the wild. It was an amazing feeling to see them go. The
images of the trumpeter swans on the water and in the sky that day stayed with
me until they became the images of The Swan Keeper.
The Mountains
of the reservoir the steep, craggy peaks of the Mission Mountains loom. This is
wild country. Grizzly bears, wolves, coyote, and mountain lions all claim that
wilderness as home. From the top of the passes or the peaks, the valley
stretches west forever. The Swan Mountains stretch east. Small lakes are
everywhere. I’ve spent many hours hiking in those mountains. The peace I’ve
felt in this beautiful country made me want to take Lilly up the trails and
over the passes. I wanted her to be strong, to love nature, to find refuge in
the wildflowers, among the boulders, and in the trees. In my novel, The Swan
Keeper, this wild beauty, the swan’s magic, and Lilly’s innocence are all
pitted against Dean Drake’s violence and cruelty, the age old “good vs. evil”.
Like many of the children and teens I’ve known, Lilly’s good heart and great
courage strengthen her resolve to overcome unspeakable odds. Her strength,
compassion, and strong sense of justice were inspired by the Mission Mountains,
the trumpeter swans, and the courage of dozens of Montana boys and girls.
Links for Purchase
Milana Marsenich
Marsenich lives in Northwest Montana near Flathead
Lake at the base of the beautiful Mission Mountains. She enjoys quick access to
the mountains and has spent many hours hiking the wilderness trails with
friends and dogs. For the past 20 years she has worked as a mental health
therapist in a variety of settings. As a natural listener and a therapist, she
has witnessed amazing generosity and courage in others. She first witnessed
this in her hometown of Butte, Montana, a mining town with a rich history and
the setting for Copper Sky, her first
novel. She has an M.Ed. in Mental Health Counseling from Montana State
University and an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Montana. She
has previously published in Montana
Quarterly, Big Sky Journal, The Polishing Stone, The Moronic Ox, BookGlow, and Feminist
Studies. She has a short story included in The Montana Quarterly book: Montana, Warts and All. She has two published
novels, Copper Sky and The Swan Keeper.
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See you on your next coffee break!
Take Care,
Mary Anne xxx