Thursday 20 June 2024

Dual timeline story set in the 1960's and the years 1472-1502, following the finding of Anne Mowbray's coffin, through the story of her brief life, burial and first reburial as witnessed by her mother, Elizabeth Talbot, to her final reinterment in Westminster Abbey.


Princess in the Police Station: A Tale of Little Anne Mowbray
(Medieval Babes: Tales of Little-Known Ladies Book 12)
By J.P. Reedman

Publication Date: 24th May 2024
Publisher: Independently Published
Page Length: 161 Pages
Genre: Dual Timeline / Historical Fiction / Biographical Fiction

1964, Workmen digging on a bombsite in London uncover a hidden vault containing a lead coffin. The coffin is almost reburied in a mass grave in a local churchyard, but an old retired policeman, examining the sarcophagus in the police station where the find has been taken, notices a plaque attached to the leaden lid. What he reads, stuns him--this is not a an unknown medieval nun or noblewoman.
The coffin's occupant is a child--a Princess, Anne Mowbray, wife of Richard of Shrewsbury, one of the infamous Princes in the Tower, who disappeared in 1483...

1470's. Elizabeth is the Dowager Duchess of Norfolk. King Edward IV has expressed a wish that the widow's only child, Anne, might marry his younger son, Richard. Unwillingly, she agrees, even though the marriage contract will cause her to lose her dower lands, and if Anne should die young, all the Norfolk lands would go to her young husband instead of blood relatives. But she dares not deny the King, for Elizabeth is the sister of Eleanor Talbot...the King's secret wife from years before. If the King suspects she knows the truth of his relationship with Eleanor, all she loves is in danger, for her knowledge could threaten his throne...

So at just five years old, Anne is married to an even younger Prince Richard in a grand ceremony, but Elizabeth fears for her child's future in Edward's decadent court.
And soon the thing she fears most comes to pass...

Dual timeline story set in the 1960's and the years 1472-1502, following the finding of Anne Mowbray's coffin, through the story of her brief life, burial and first reburial as witnessed by her mother, Elizabeth Talbot, to her final reinterment in Westminster Abbey.

Pick up your copy of 
Princess in the Police Station

J.P. Reedman

J.P. Reedman was born in Canada but has lived in the U.K. for nearly 30 years. 

Interests include folklore & anthropology, prehistoric archaeology (neolithic/bronze age Europe; ritual,burial & material culture), as well as The Wars of the Roses and the rest of the medieval era.

Connect with J.P. Reedman:


  1. I do love duel-timelines. I have added Princess in the Police Station to my to-read list.

    1. So do I! I hope you enjoy Princess in the Police Station.

  2. Another book to add to my ever increasing to-read list.

    1. So many books, so little time! I hope you enjoy Princess in the Police Station.

  3. What a great title. I will definitely be checking this one out in the near future.

    1. Janet's books are amazing. I know you will enjoy Princess in the Police Station.


See you on your next coffee break!
Take Care,
Mary Anne xxx