A Recipe for Research
Catherine Hokin
Being from the North of England, I am firmly of the belief that all meals can be substantially improved by a liberal slathering of gravy or custard. Pour it on, bring some more should be my family motto. Sadly, anyone who read the first draft of my first novel would be forgiven for thinking that motto applied to the way I used my research.
We’ve all read/written/wept and run away from it: the
novel that turned into a thesis. (Writing that sentence, I’m imagining it
underscored by a howl from a fifties B-movie). It’s easily done. No one writes
historical fiction unless they have a passion for research of the most
convoluted kind. There is, however, a huge difference between sharing what’s
needed and, let’s be honest, showing off.
The tips below are intended to move you out of PhD
territory and into the cracking read your idea is. It’s mine, it’s not
definitive, but it is based on an awful lot of research…
Good Stuff
Start with a purpose and a plan. Your novel isn’t
about the Wars of the Roses, or about the American Civil War. It’s a spotlight
on an aspect, an event or a character inside those parameters, and that’s your
starting focus. Start too wide and you’ll literally lose the plot.
Get organised. Whether your system is notebooks or
post-its or files, be able to find things – you can waste a lot of time trying
to dig up that great note you made on that thing you mustn’t forget 3 months
after you made it.
Check your sources. Whether it’s primary or secondary
material, know if there’s an agenda. If something sounds odd, check what other
sources say. Same if there’s a conflict, which frequently happens. None of that
is bad, it’s actually what you want as long as you use the discrepancies
carefully – hopefully they lead to the gaps where your story takes root.
Let those gaps speak. We often know what was done, it
can be harder to find out why, or by who, or how they felt when they did/didn’t
do it. That’s where your story lies: the facts are your skeleton; a good writer
gets down inside them.
Immerse yourself. You need to know everything about
your period. Walk its streets and hear its sounds and taste the life there so
it becomes bigger than your real world. Watch films, read novels, listen to
music, look at paintings, set up a Pinterest board. If you can travel there,
that’s great but it isn’t essential – places change dramatically so you’ll be back
to the sources anyway.
Keep doing it. Research is an ongoing process – after
the initial immersion period you’ll still need to go back for details as your
story progresses. Sometimes you don’t know what you need to know until the plot
takes you there.
Know when to stop. You’re a writer, at some point you
need to take the plunge and write.
Which leads neatly into…
Stuff that will Weigh You Down
The rabbit holes. At some point you’ll turn into
Alice, endlessly falling. Ask yourself: do I need to know all this or have I
got side-tracked? Then ask the better question: will my reader care? Climb out,
and repeat.
![]() |
Down the Rabbit Hole — Valerie Hinojosa. |
And closely linked to the above – remember, just
because you know something doesn’t mean that your reader should. If you can’t
help yourself, task a beta reader to check where they got bored, where a quick
explanation turned into an essay. Where the story stopped moving. Think about
how endless exposition can ruin a film by breaking the tension and apply.
And closely linked again – just because you know
something, your character might not, or should not. We have the benefit of
hindsight and Google – an ordinary girl in occupied Paris in 1941 wouldn’t have
a clue what was happening in Germany, she might not know what was happening in
France. A soldier wouldn’t necessarily know the bigger picture. Communication
in the past was slow and easily disrupted – which is why we like setting our
novels there.
Do not play fast and loose with the facts. This should
be in red. If something happened on a given date, it happened on that date. If
someone died before you want them to do something, hard luck. There’s a huge
difference between finding a gap and working something plausible into it, and
making the impossible up. If in doubt please ask me my views on the recent Mary
Queen of Scots film – no one I know will listen anymore.
Remember you’re not a historian – people are reading
your story to be entertained (and sometimes to check what they know/thought).
Get things wrong and you risk their trust; bore them and they won’t come back.
So, there you have it – love your research but use it
sparingly. It’s the seasoning to your work not the sauce.
(Bad puns the author’s own).
and Roses
The English Crown – a bloodied, restless prize.
The one contender strong enough to hold it? A woman. Margaret of Anjou:
a French Queen in a hostile country, born to rule but refused the right, shackled
to a King lost in a shadow-land.
When a craving for power becomes a crusade, when two rival dynasties
rip the country apart in their desire to rule it and thrones are the spoils of
a battlefield, the stakes can only rise. And if the highest stake you have is
your son?
You play it.
Pick up your copy
and Roses

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