CAY - Rosevetha’s Curse:
The Civilis Saga Part #3
By Peter Baggott
By Peter Baggott
Champion of Teutoburger Wald he craves a son in a barren marriage and seeking a resolution he approaches Witold. She guarantees him a son. But after the death of his wife, he seeks retribution against Roman sympathizers. Witold warns him against harming a fellow seer or he will face dire consequences. Twice he will escape the same Roman, but on the third occasion, there will only be one winner.
“Twice you will meet the same Roman, and he will escape, but when he comes looking for the final Eagle, my Eagle, you and your son will help defend it.”
To lose an Eagle is shameful.
But, to lose three Eagles is nothing short of a disgrace.
It was only a matter of time
before the Romans returned to this land and sought retribution for those who
had been slaughtered and to reclaim the Eagles that had been taken.
Agi of the Chauci had fought
alongside Arminius and had witnessed the taking of the Eagles from the hands of
the hated Romans, but it was not that which had taken him into the forest to
seek the wisdom of the seer, Witold. He wanted to know if he would ever have a
son, an heir. The seer’s answer is enough to satisfy Agi, but the warning that
comes with it is not so easy to comprehend. Witold warns him of another — a
woman just like her, a seer. The destiny of his son will depend on how he
treats this woman.
On hearing the news of the
lost Eagles at The Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, Caesar Augustus cried,“Give me back my legions.” However, such
was the shame of the loss that any survivors were banned from returning to
Rome. The disgrace would be theirs to carry forever, and that disgrace would
also be passed down to their sons. However, the sons of the lost legions come
together under the watchful eye of Artorius Civilis. With his help, they would
right the wrong, and win back the Eagles their fathers had lost.
CAY - Rosevetha’s Curse: The
Civilis Saga Part #3, by Peter Baggott, is the powerful tale about the
unforgettable Civilis family as they desperately try to navigate a world that
is corrupt, treasonous, and dangerous, in order to bring honesty, loyalty and
peace for their kinsman and the Empire.
CAY - Rosevetha’s Curse is
one of those books where the pages practically turned themselves. I did initially wonder why Baggott dedicated over half of this novel to what is essentially a prequel, but, when I reached Part 2 of CAY - Rosevetha’s Curse, I began to understand why he chose to do this. I think the
backstory gives this series, and indeed this book, a very firm
foundation. The characterisation was superb, and the narrative was an
absolute triumph. Baggott presents his readers with highly appealing
protagonists and spine-chillingly malicious antagonists.
Baggott does not shy away
from what can make for uncomfortable reading. Within these pages, we watch the
making of a monster. The young Victus shows all the signs of what he is to
become. He is manipulative, very charismatic and even charming when he wants to
be. However, there is a very dark side to him. The first to suffer his abuse is a dog, and then the level of violence
escalates as he turns this viciousness towards women. There are multiple
violations of women in this story, as well as murders, but Baggott is careful
to strike a balance between how he wants the characterisation of Victus to
be perceived and the audience his book is aimed at.
Baggott is a master at
conveying the time this book is set in. I have said it before, and I will say
it again, his attention to historical detail and historical fact has to be
commended. This book is luxuriantly detailed, and the historical characters have
been richly brought back to life. Baggott is a born Historical Fiction writer.
He nails the historical backdrop every time. Superb.
Due to the intensity of the
story and the large cast of characters, I don’t think CAY - Rosevetha’s Curse:
The Civilis Saga Part #3 is a standalone read. However, this series is so
good that you would be doing yourself a disservice by not starting with Book 1.
The Civilis Saga is escapist
Historical Fiction at its very best.
I Highly Recommend.
Review by Mary Anne Yarde
The Coffee Pot Book Club.
Pick up your copy of
CAY - Rosevetha’s Curse:
Peter Baggott

Congratulations on your award, Peter!