Those Who Dare
John Anthony Miller
East Berlin, 1961. Kirstin Beck is
determined to escape to the West. She watches from her townhouse window as the
border with West Berlin is closed, and a barbed wire fence strung through the
cemetery behind her house. With a grandmother in West Berlin that needs
her, Kirstin knows she has to go.
Tony Marino is
an American writer living in West Berlin. As he watches the nearby construction
progress, he sees a beautiful woman looking from her townhouse window. Kirstin
holds up a sign for Tony to see.
The two hatch a
plan for Kirsten to get over the border, but the mission is not easy. With the
Stasi closing in on them, Kirstin and Tony enter a kaleidoscope of deceit and
danger, determined to attain freedom at any cost. But in a country torn between
communism and capitalism, can Kirstin escape the world she can't endure?
think once you’ve tasted freedom, it’s very hard to lose it.”
border between East and West Berlin had been closed before, but as Kirstin Beck
watched as the barbed wire was rolled out, she feared that this time the East
German Communist Government had something very different in mind for its
citizens. They said they wanted to stop the evil plague that is capitalism from
creeping inside their country and corrupting the populous, but everyone knew
the real reason. The wall was built to keep the East Germans in.
Kirstin wished she had left the day before the border had closed, but there had
been no hint, no warning. Kirstin had a grandmother in West Berlin, and she was
desperate to meet her daughter that had been so cruelly snatched away from her
years ago. Kirstin had to escape this imposed isolation, somehow. However, who
could she turn to for help? The Stasi were everywhere. They could be anyone.
Her husband could be one for all she knew. If Kirstin were to escape, then she
had to be careful — her very life depended on it.
citizen, Tony Marino, had been commissioned to write a History of Nations series. He had been in Germany for the past two months visiting historical sites, taking notes. His editor had wanted him to compose a History of Germany, but what Tony had not expected was to be watching and participating in history as it happened. Nor had he expected to be communicating, via a small handheld chalkboard to a woman across the street in East Berlin, who was asking him for help. Tony had always shied away from commitment, but there was something about this woman and her plight, which tugged at his heart-strings.
Tony’s help then maybe, just maybe, Kirstin would be able to flee across the
border and make a new life for herself, in West Berlin. However, Kirstin has
roused the suspicion of Karl Hofer, the Minister of State Security, and he is
not a man to be crossed.
If it
is a new life in West Berlin that Kirstin wants, then she must prepare for the
consequences if her escape attempt fails.
Those Who Dare by John Anthony Miller is a compelling account of one woman’s
desperate longing for the freedom that those who live on the other side of the
wall from her have. It is unashamedly moving, and I found myself close to tears
on more than one occasion as this despairing fog of fear descends upon, not
only the heroine but the populous of East Berlin. Kirstin, like others, is
willing to risk everything for a chance to be free and to live the life that is
being denied to her. Through this story, we see the devastating impact that the
Berlin Wall created for those living in East Berlin as well as the daring
escapes and acts of heroism from ordinary people who just wanted a better life
for themselves and their families.
With an eye for the historical detail, Miller has penned a compelling
account about life in East Germany during the German Democratic
Republic’s rule. I thought the contrast
between East and West Berlin was depicted with great skill and diligence.
Miller describes a city that is cut cruelly in half because of opposing
principles and political beliefs. West Berlin is a land of plenty, whereas East
Berlin is a land of mistrust, fear, and relentlessly long queues for necessary
provisions. The contrast could not be more apparent.
sheer scale of the operation in creating what was to become known as the Berlin
Wall has been meticulously described within the pages of this book. As has the
confusion that the citizens felt as their lives were irrevocably changed
forever by barbed wire, armed guards and a 3.6 metre high concrete wall. I thought
Miller has captured the very essences of what it must have been like to live in
East Berlin during this time of change and uncertainty. The despairing
knowledge that those from the East were cut off from family, friends, jobs and
places of education is harrowing, as is the brutality of the treatment of those
who spoke out against the State, or who dared to try and escape. Miller has
brought this recent past very vividly back to life.
adored the characterisation of Kirstin Beck. Unlike conventional heroines,
Kirstin isn’t a strong woman, but she is driven by desperation. She cannot live
the way the government wants her to, and she risks everything, including her life
to cross the border. I thought Kirstin’s portrayal was really rather wonderful.
Kirstin’s determination to not give up, and to achieve her goal made her a
highly desirable heroine for modern readers, but also a very realistic one for
the time this book is set in.
On the
other side of the wall is the hero of this story, Tony Marino. Like Kirstin,
Tony is an unlikely hero. He is a writer, the idea of commitment leaves him
running for the hills, but there is almost a sense of destiny in Tony when he
strikes up this friendship with the woman across the street. He is determined
to help her, despite what that could mean for himself. For the majority of this
book, Tony has no idea what he is doing, and he is in completely over his head,
but he promised Kirstin he would do everything that he could to help her, and
he is not willing to go back on that promise. I thought Tony’s portrayal was
fabulous, and it drove this story forward. It also made me stop and think about
what I would have done if I were in his shoes. It is a very thought-provoking
story as well as being a really entertaining one.
are several antagonists in this book, most noticeably, Karl Hofer, the Minister
of State Security. Hofer seems to take delight in frightening and threatening
the citizens of East Berlin. His character brings a great deal of menace to
this story, and he always seems to be one step ahead of the protagonists. He is
a formidable opponent to put against our brave protagonists.
antagonist, which I think I may well have loathed even more than Hofer, is
Kirstin’s husband, Professor Steiner Beck. Steiner is thoroughly indoctrinated
with communism principles, and he seems to relish spying and reporting people —
sometimes, for things they have not even done. He basks in the power that he
thinks he has. I found his character incredibly disturbing.
has not only penned some remarkably charismatic protagonist that makes a reader
root for, but he also has a visceral understanding of what makes history worth
reading. Miller’s fast-paced narrative and his non-stop action make this book
highly desirable. For Those Who Dare is a novel that is full to the brim of
cliff-hanger action and nail-biting suspense. And if you like a good
plot-twist, then this book is definitely for you.
Those Who Dare by John Anthony Miller has a lot to recommend it. It has
everything fans of quality Historical Fiction look for in a novel.
Highly Recommend.
by Mary Anne Yarde.
Coffee Pot Book Club.
Pick up your copy of
Those Who Dare
John Anthony Miller

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Take Care,
Mary Anne xxx