Merlin: I've... I've never studied magic or been taught.
Gaius: Are you lying to me, boy?
Merlin: What do you want me to say?
Gaius: The truth!
Merlin: I was born like this.
Gaius: That's impossible!
(Merlin - The Dragons Call)
If you had not already guessed, I am going to be blogging about Merlin again today.
Last time I was talking about Monmouth and all the wonderful things he did for Merlin. Today, I am going to have a look and see where this fascinating wizard went next.
Robert de Boron was one of those amazing French poets of the 12th Century. He wrote a poem called Merlin. Boron is credited with the great works Prose Merlin as well.
Let us see how he portrayed Merlin in Prose Merlin.
It is said that in between Christ’s
horrific crucifixion and joyful resurrection he spent some time in Hell,
bringing salvation to all who had died (excluding the damned).
wrothe and angry was the Devell, whan that oure Lorde hadde ben in helle and
had take oute Adam and Eve and other at his plesier” Prose Merlin
Christ's Descent into Limbo Andrea Mantegna c.1470
Boron starts the story of Merlin just
after Christ’s resurrection. The Council of devils was called in to order. They
were angry, enraged by Christ’s Harrowing of Hell and they wanted revenge.
Christ and his God would not be allowed to get away with this. They would rue
the day they thought to enter into a domain that was never theirs.
They came up with a plan.
They would create a being that would
undo everything that Christ had done. They would create an antichrist, who
would follow their orders, who would do their bidding and there would be
nothing that God or his son could do about it.
Their plan was deceptively simple. If
God could beget a child with a virgin maid, then so could they. They found such a woman and begot her
with child.
But they did not understand love, or
virtue, faith...hope. The woman they had chosen had a close advisor, a holy man
called Blaise and she confided in him what had happened. She begged for his
Blaise tries to reassure the woman. He tells her that they will baptize
the child as soon as it is born and they pray with all their might that the demon
will be chased away from the babies body.
The baby, a boy, is born and Blaise immediately baptizes him and they pray that the demon will not plague the child. It seems
that they were successful. They have snatched the child away from Satan’s
The woman names the child Merlin after
her father.
But Merlin is no ordinary child. He may
not be under the influence of Satan anymore, but the demon has left him a
legacy. He can see things – the past – the present. He can predict future
events. He is, in short, a prophet. But he is no ordinary prophet; he has other
skills as well. He can shapeshift.
In Nennius’s story, the fatherless boy
who is brought before Vortigern is Ambrosius.
In Boron’s story the boy is Merlin.
Like Ambrosius in Nennius story, Merlin
blames the destruction of the tower on two fighting dragons, but here the story
take a sharp turn and veers off on its own course. Instead of the dragons
represent the Saxon’s and the Briton’s, Merlin states that the dragons
represent Vortigern and two brothers, Pendragon and Uther. Merlin also prophesies
Vortigern’s death.
On Vortigern’s death, Pendragon
take the throne. Merlin becomes an adviser to this new royal dynasty. He helps
them with their struggles with the Saxons.
Merlin foresees a great battle at
Salisbury where Pendragon will meet his fate. All that he
predicts comes true and the younger of the brothers, Uther, takes the
throne as well as his brothers name. He becomes known as Uther Pendragon.

Uther needs to be a strong king and
Merlin advices that he needs a symbol of the Christian religion. He recommends
a replica of the table that was used at the Last Supper and was pinnacle in the
story of the Holy Grail - It is said that Joseph of Arimethea used the Grail (A cup) - from the Last Supper - to catch the blood from Jesus's body as he hung from the cross - They did not have the Grail, but they could recreate at least part of the story. What they needed was....
A Round Table.

But not everything
Merlin does is for the good. When Uther is overcome with lust for the Duke of
Cornwall’s wife. Merlin casts a spell, so Uther’s appearance is changed to that
of the Duke. Igrain, the Dukes wife, is deceived into thinking that she is
sharing her body with her husband. That night, Arthur is conceived.
The Duke dies that
night in battle and Uther and Igrain marry soon after.
When Arthur is born
he is fostered and is raised by Antor (Ector). Arthur grows up and as we all
know he draws a sword from a stone.
University of Rochester - Middle English Text Series
If you would like to read Prose Merlin, then check out this link.
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See you on your next coffee break!
Take Care,
Mary Anne xxx