The responsibility that
comes with writing Historical Fiction.
By Jan Selbourne
love of history began at school and has never left me. When I began writing, it
was in this genre that I felt most comfortable.
to our history books, we can read about the rise and fall of empires and
dynasties, the wars and the power struggles. Inventions from the wheel to the
computer and the people who’ve left their mark, both good and bad.
we write historical romance or historical suspense, I believe we must make the era
of choice as authentic as possible, warts and all. We can’t drop our characters
into the Tudor era for example, without portraying life as it was – turbulent, religious
and political upheavals, Henry dispatching wives to the block, Bloody Mary
burning heretics at the stake, and more. Another example is the Regency era. It
was a renaissance of architecture, politics, fashion, music and culture.
Beneath the gloss was poverty, disease, a rigid class system and harsh
punishments for petty crime. An Irish ancestor of mine was given a free ride in
chains to Van Diemen’s Land (now Tasmania). The 13,000 miles journey, with
appalling food and conditions, took three months. Her crime was stealing
fifteen shillings.
is essential for an accurate background, the value of money, customs and travel
– a coach trip from London to Edinburgh in the 18th century took a
week or longer in bad weather.
I began writing Lies of Gold, I wanted to know more of the 18th and early
19th century marriage laws. I discovered women had very few rights. They
belonged to their husbands and any property, money or income was therefore his.
Leaving a marriage meant walking away with nothing and losing all rights to their
children. If in his opinion she was unhinged or uncontrollable, he could
legally have her committed to an asylum. This unpleasant fact was touched on in
the Poldark TV series.
course, our stories shouldn’t be gloom and doom, we can write the most endearing
love stories, or the villain gets his just rewards in a drama, as long as it's
books Perilous Love and The Proposition are set in England and Europe during
and after World War One. While researching and writing Perilous Love, I visited
battlefields in Belgium and France. The carnage during that war was horrific,
so many young men blown to pieces and unrecognisable. Today thousands of those war
graves bear the inscription Known Only to God. I wondered if it was possible to
steal a dead soldier’s identity disc. After all, their handwritten war service
records stated their name, age, religion, birth place, marital status and
general height/complexion. I contacted the Australian War Memorial and London’s
Imperial War Museum asking if it was possible. They replied that it was indeed possible
but did not confirm it had happened. That gave me the OK to begin The
Proposition. Two men, similar in colouring and height meet on the eve of the
huge Battle of Amiens. One is killed, the other falls wounded beside him. It’s
a huge risk, a hanging offence and his only hope of a new life. He swaps
identity discs.
The Proposition
Stealing a dead soldier's identity discs was Harry's only hope
of a new life. He wasn't to know that new life would push him into blackmail
and murder. To survive he must live this lie without a mistake, until Lacey and
the truth.
screamed as excruciating pain tore through his ears, then something slammed
into him. He couldn’t hear, he couldn’t see, he couldn’t move. He was dead and
the Man he didn’t believe in had despatched him to sinners’ hell. His throat
convulsed and gagged on the dirt stuffed in his gaping mouth. Oh Christ, he was
buried alive by the huge weight pressing down on him. His heart thumped with
terror. Don’t move, don’t swallow, but his throat gagged again, and
instinctively he coughed and spat. Frantic, he gasped and coughed again and
felt cloth brushing against his face. He was lying on his outstretched arms.
Hot tears filled his eyes. Very soon this little pocket of air would be gone,
and he’ll die a slow death. No, think, think, push your hands forward. What if
he was lying upside down?
earth beneath him shuddered and soil fell onto his head. The weight above him
was shifting, just like the underground coal mines before they collapsed. More
soil fell on his arms and the blackness above him turned grey. Scrabbling like
a crab, he wriggled upwards and howled in agony when a savage pain sliced
through his leg. Gasping and terrified of falling back, he pushed up further
into the light. He had no idea where he was.
the precious air into his lungs, Harry lifted his head to a silent scene from
hell. Black roots of trees pointed to the sky and thick smoke poured from huge
craters gouged into the earth. Just like the books on the Apocalypse. It took
many seconds before his eyes told his brain the craters were dark red and
littered with dozens of bloodied, twisted bodies. Some stared up into nothing,
some face down. Harry looked behind him and opened his mouth to scream but no
sound came out. He’d been pinned beneath todies submerged in the crater still
smoking from an exploded shell. The entrails of one body oozed into the
bloodied soil and the other body, oh God. Harry’s stomach heaved, he was
covered with blood and guts. Using his arms, he lurched forward, bit by bit
over the churned earth towards the blackened tree stumps. The ground shook
again making him cringe. In the distance, a thick pall of black smoke was
covering the rows of men fighting furiously while shells pounded around them,
but it was eerily silent. Like the films at the picture house without the words
on the screen.
struggled to his knees and almost fainted from the pain in his leg. Closing his
eyes, he fell onto his side, breathing deeply, then reached down to feel the
blood oozing through his trouser leg. He rolled onto his stomach.
“Come on, move, move.” He dragged himself
forward until he came to a mound, but his strength failed. “Give up,” his mind
screamed, then his eyes settled on a water canteen half buried in the earth.
Pulling it out, he unscrewed the cap and drank. Nectar. Spitting the dirt out
of his mouth he gulped the water greedily, feeling it flowing through his body
and clearing his mind.
Jesus.” The mound was a pile of bloodied bodies with sightless eyes. He
couldn’t crawl over them. He couldn’t do it. Crying and wheezing with the pain
in his leg he inched around them and looked back. The crater was barely thirty
feet behind him. He had to stop. Why crawl to the trees? Stay here. Rest.
throbbing in his leg forced Harry’s eyes open. If he could crawl to the little
rise ahead of him, he’d stop there. Using his elbows to propel him, he inched
forward and without warning, the earth gave way. Tumbling down the small slope
he fell against a solid lump. A lump in uniform whose blank eyes stared
directly into his. Jerking back, he clutched his head as excruciating pain tore
through his ears. Moaning, he rocked back and forth until it eased and when he
opened his eyes bile ran into his mouth.
were taking up residence in the gaping, oozing chest cavity while the neck and
chin, mouth and nose were strangely untouched. The scalp had gone. Harry turned
away as his stomach heaved again. Move, move. Inching forward, his fingers
touched a shiny object in the churned soil. He stared stupidly at the unscathed
cigarette case.
“Oh no!”
he turned back and leaned closer to read the name on the identity discs. Andrew
Conroy, his service number and C E. The poor scared bastard with no family. He
wanted to move away but his feeble strength failed. He’d rest here for a while. Holding the cigarette case with both hands,
he lay back against the crumbled mound. He was so damn tired.
shouting. He forced his eyes open and everything tilted sideways. Blinking, he
squinted at the hazy moving objects, oh yes, the Red Cross stretcher bearers
and wagons were picking up the wounded before the ghastly task of removing the
dead. Feeble, whimpering cries rose from the churned soil, arms outstretched
from the wounded and barely alive pleading to be rescued from this bloodied, silent,
looked at the cigarette case in his hand and its owner lying next to him. It
was a hanging offence. If he did, there would be no turning back. If he
He had
no strength; his fingers wouldn’t work. Do it, for Christ’s sake, do it. His
chest wheezed, and his weak hands fumbled with the effort of pulling Andrew
Conroy’s discs over the gaping skull. His arms ached with the mammoth task of
removing his. When it was done, he lay beside the body. He wanted to say
something, beg him to understand, but he couldn’t find the words.
A lump
was in his throat. “Mate, you are in a better place.”
His tears dripped onto the soil
beside the body before he crawled away and lifted his arm.
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occurred to me that what we do today will be our history tomorrow. Let’s hope the
future generations doing their research will get it right!

Jan, great post! I hate reading a historical books where errors in history or dialogue are blatant. Never a problem with your work! Congratulations with The Proposition--a mystery within the history! I loved it!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much Dee, coming from you it is indeed a great compliment.
DeleteExcellent post by my favorite historical romantic suspense writer! When I read Jan’s books, it’s obvious to me that she delves into the history and she has done her research. The Proposition was a great historical romance story with a mystery, making it quite intriguing. 5 stars for sure!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much Betty Ann. I know you research your history thoroughly before putting pen to paper, I appreciate your compliment.
DeleteGreat post.
ReplyDeleteThank you Helen
DeleteI read The Proposition and loved it. It is so well researched with endearing characters and really recreates that world from the post war years, an entire generation stunned and damaged by the carnage. I know a lot of history and read history books so it puts me off if I see an author is getting things wrong (I'm terrible when watching TV shows - "No, they did NOT have buttons on their clothes in the 12th century!" I admire authors like Jan, I love historical fiction but couldn't do the research!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much Alice. Yes, its the small things like buttons and zippers on medieval clothing that irritate.
ReplyDeleteHi Jan,
ReplyDeleteIt’s been some time since I read your wonderful book Lies Of Gold but I still remember your attention to detail. It is obvious that you did your research and the book was all the better for it. I have The Proposition on my TBR list.
Thank you very much Suzanne. I hope you enjoy The Proposition.
DeleteHi Jan, I know the level of detail you put into your stories and the time that takes. I think you are right you do need to get the historical aspects right. You also capture the something of the spirit of the time, which I find very impressive
ReplyDeleteThank you very much Ric. That is indeed a compliment.
DeleteI always admire historical fiction authors. Even before you begin to write you have already spent many hours researching the era you are writing about. Respect!!