give a warm welcome to historical fiction author, Sarah Kennedy. Sarah is going to tell us about her inspiration
behind her book…
is 1535, and in the tumultuous years of King Henry VIII’s break from Rome, the
religious houses of England are being seized by force. Twenty-year-old Catherine Havens is a
foundling and the adopted daughter of the prioress of the Priory of Mount Grace
in a small Yorkshire village. Catherine,
like her adoptive mother, has a gift for healing, and she is widely sought and
admired for her knowledge. Catherine’s
hopes for a place at court have been dashed by the king’s divorce, and she has
reluctantly taken the veil. When the
priory’s costly altarpiece goes missing, Catherine and her friend Ann Smith
find themselves under increased suspicion.
King Henry VIII’s soldiers have not had their fill of destruction, and
when they return to Mount Grace to destroy the priory, Catherin must choose
between the sacred calling of her past and the man who may represent her
country’s future.

I’ve never
figured out the entire process by which I became a fiction writer (perhaps I
simply got sick of myself!), but I do know that my interests evolved away from
the short lyric and toward the sustained development of character. It took a comment from a friend of mine, a
member of my poetry-writing group, to make me see that novels were the way
forward, to give me my immediate inspiration—though it took a while. She said, upon reading a manuscript of poems,
“You know, you really should write a historical novel.” I laughed that off at the time—I couldn’t
possibly write a novel!—but her words must have caught at something in my
imagination. It kept blowing through my
mind, for sure.
As it happened,
my teaching was also taking me into investigations of women’s lives. My literary field is the Renaissance, but the
Medieval period and the Long Eighteenth Century (beginning roughly with the
Restoration of the English monarchy in 1660) had also long been interests of
mine. I travel quite a lot to the UK and
try to get into the archives of personal documents and manuscripts (letters,
diaries, recipe collections) to read first-hand what women said about
themselves and their day-to-day tasks.
Happily, we also have two autobiographies from the Middle Ages by women,
Julian of Norwich and Margery Kempe, which I have always loved reading and
teaching. I didn’t know this was going
to happen, but one day my teaching and writing interests suddenly converged.
I’ve always loved reading novels: historical novels, crime novels, contemporary
character studies, even science fiction.
My husband and I were in a bookstore one afternoon, and I was browsing
the new historical fiction. That comment
from my friend suddenly pulled harder. I
picked up a book and said, “I’m going to write one of these.” I went home that night, opened the laptop,
and started The Altarpiece.
One scene, that
now comes early in the book, was my beginning:
a young novice standing in the porch of her church, peering down the
road at the soldiers approaching. She
knows that Henry VIII has separated the English church from Rome. She knows that they’re coming to close her
convent and throw her out. She has no
idea what’s going to happen to her. The
convent has been her home for her entire life.
She has no money of her own. The
skills she has won’t be useable (for a woman) outside in the secular
world. She’s terrified and angry. Her name is Catherine Havens.
Catherine is a
fiction. I created her out of documents
I’ve read about the fates of nuns who were evicted from their convent homes
under Henry VIII and Thomas Cromwell. We
actually don’t know all that much—though the research into these women’s lives
is increasing. Many of them fled to the
Continent. Some of them, who had wealthy
families, returned to their birth homes.
Others? Well, we just don’t
know. I wanted to give these women
who’ve disappeared into the gap of absent history names, stories, and lives.
fiction” is not a new genre. Writers and
readers seem to have an abiding interest in the secret lives of nuns. Sometimes, fictional nuns are quite holy and
virtuous; other times, they are quite bad, especially if they’ve been forced
into nunneries against their wills. I
wanted characters who are both, more like real people. My nuns are people (or at least I hope they
are). Some of them are privileged and
spoiled. Some of them are devout. Some are content to be in the convent. Others resent it. Most of them are not one-dimensional, even in
terms of their faith. They pray, but
they fail to act as they should. They
love God, but they also love the world.
The Altarpiece was difficult to write, and I had to revise it many
times. But I had found in the writing a
new genre, one that gave me the space and freedom to create and follow multiple
characters, to watch them change and grow.
It gave me creative elbow room.
Will I go back
to writing poems? Maybe. I still value the compression of poetic
expression, the telescoping of idea into resonant language, that generates even
more ideas. I still love the heart-stab
of a lyric that points directly to a life-altering moment of human experience,
and I may feel the pull in the other direction some day. I may want that kind of time-stopping event
again. For now, however, writing for me is a narrative journey, filled
with both joy and peril and never quite over, even when the book is done.
for Purchase
the author
Sarah Kennedy is the author of the novels The Altarpiece, City of Ladies, and The
King’s Sisters, Books One, Two, and Three of The Cross and the Crown
series, and Self-Portrait, with Ghost,
a stand-alone contemporary novel. She
has also published seven books of poems.
A professor of English in Virginia, Sarah Kennedy holds a PhD in
Renaissance Literature and an MFA in Creative Writing. She has received grants from both the
National Endowment for the Arts and the Virginia Commission for the Arts. Please visit Sarah at her website:
I'm a Tudor novelist & huge Tudorphile, I'll definitely check out Sarah's books! Thanks for posting this. Diana
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed this! Also think the photo of Ms Kennedy is beautiful and dramatic!
ReplyDeleteFrank Daley
Your novels give a refreshing perspective on the Tudor period, Sarah. Nun nicer!