What is history?
History is a dusty old museum.
An archaeologist knee deep in mud.
A crumbling castle.
A room full of delicate parchments.
History has a smell. It is cold,
damp, old.
It is a costume drama. Downtown
Abbey. Outlander. Poldark. Vikings.
History is a war.
History is dead people.
History is a boring school lesson.
History has absolutely no relevance
to today's world and our lives.
But I bet, if I asked you who Robin
Hood was, you would be able to tell me. I wonder, could you name any of King
Arthur's knights? What? Isn't that history too?

So what has this to do with history? Well, quiet a lot actually, because Folklore is a type of history, it's just not an exact one.
Folklore has taken quite a bashing
from twentieth-century historians — there is no truth in the tales, they are
just nonsense. If they were not then, we would be excavating the skeletons of
dragons. They've got a point.
History is an exact science and
folklore, well, she isn't playing ball because let's be honest here, folklore
goes by other names and some of them are not so complimentary:
A story to sway the masses,
A story to ensure loyalty,
obedience, patriotism.
Oh yes, we must not forget how
powerful folklore is, and what it can do. I'm feeling a little depressed now. Of course, folklore also entertains and we all like a good story!
I am fascinated by folklore,
particularly British folklore. The Brits love a good story, and we like to turn
ordinary people into heroes. Look at Robin Hood and how far that story has
come. But should we tell them as if they are historically accurate? Are we
painting a false picture of the past?
But hang on a minute, these stories
are great — they are part of our heritage. They are timeless and who cares if
there are historical inaccuracies and let's be honest, we all like a good
fire-breathing dragon.
My particular passion is the life
and times of King Arthur, and he, and I, have been companions for many long
years. There are so many theories as to who he was and what he did. Some paint
Arthur as a hero, others a villain. He is English, Welsh, Scottish, Breton —
that of course, depends on where you live. He is the Once and Future King — a
comforting thought in these troublesome times. He is a dream with no substance.
He is real. He is folklore.
So should we dismiss him out of
hand? There is no factual proof, and we have no primary written sources, only
some rather shaky secondary sources that were written long after he died and
for a political purpose that had really nothing to do with Arthur and everything
to do with power and dominance. He is a cash-cow. He has been making money for
other people for hundreds of years, and he is still doing so. Why? The answer
to that is simple. We need him. We need his knights. We need what they
But how do you mix folklore with
historical fact? For me, that was probably the biggest challenge in my
fictional writing. I wanted to keep as authentic to the period as I could. I am
a historian after all, who dabbles in folklore — more than dabble in it, but,
hey...you know what I mean. Although Modern European History is my speciality,
I have always been drawn to the 5th Century AD. This was a time of great
political unrest. The Roman Empire is for the first time in what feels like
forever, shrinking, she is losing her lands and her powers at a staggering
rate. Briton, (not including Scotland) is no longer united as one kingdom and
has split back into smaller tribes, and these people are throwing off the Roman
yoke once and for all. The Saxons have invaded. On the continent, Clovis is
carving a kingdom for himself and has named Paris his capital city. The Church
is sending out missionaries all over the place, trying to turn the populous
from their pagan gods towards the Christian one. This is a time of immense change and
uncertainty. Life was precarious. But at the same time, it was still life. It
had to be lived.

Link to purchase The Du Lac Chronicles.
Totally agree, Mary Anne! Beautifully said...