"Jordan would always find me, and my soul
would always be waiting for him."
What's the story?
Dimensions could not keep them apart, but to stay together, Lydia will need to overcome the A.I. that controls his world.
When Lydia is pulled through spacetime into Jordan's plane of existence, she finds herself immersed in a world controlled by the Guardian, an artificial intelligence. The Guardian's sole purpose is to protect the power source that runs the planet; but it does so at the cost of all who live outside of its city.
Sheltered in the Colony, beyond the city's borders, Lydia is befriended by an advanced race of hunters and warriors, who do all they can to protect her and themselves from the Guardian. To survive in this new world, she must find courage and strength, and learn to face her fears. But to save her soulmate and the colonists from the Guardian, she must overcome those fears and embrace her inner strength.
What did I think of the story?
If you are a fan of Stephenie Meyers, The Host, then you are going to love this book.
The Colony draws you in from the beginning, and keeps your attention. The writing is super-engaging. Spellbinding. It is one of those books where you think you have it all figured out. Then BOOM! - something completely extraordinary and unexpected happens. However, you don’t have time to sit back and contemplate these change of events, because the story is so fast paced you have to keep reading.
The Colony is all about human emotions. Love. Hate. Pain. Joy. Grief. Hope. This book explores every emotion you can think of. It was very gripping and very easy to relate to.
Gilmour paints a vivid portrait of her protagonist, Lydia. By the close of the first chapter I felt like I had known her forever. Lydia bled on those pages -- there is no other way to describe it. I felt everything that was happening, or had happened to her. Her fear became my fear, as did her joy, as did her love.
The supporting characters were equally well developed. There personalities shone through, it was all very believable and very well crafted.
The whole A.I. taking control of the world is hardly anything new, but The Colony is not a recycled story in any way. Gilmour brings a refreshing new slant to the A.I. concept. I thought it was great.
I really liked this book and I am hoping there is going to be a sequel, because I am sure Glimour is not done with this story, or this world, yet.
I Highly Recommend.
Where can I buy this fabulous book?
About the author.

Her love of Science Fiction began at a young age, through watching Science Fiction movies and television shows with her Mom, and her love of writing and crafting stories began in grade school with the encouragement of her grade school teacher.
Writing stories and creating characters has been her passion ever since.
Useful links
Website: http://rmgilmour.wix.com/rmgilmour
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14139929.R_M_Gilmour
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/author.rmgilm
Sounds great, will definitely check this out. Lovely review x