It is my very great pleasure to welcome back the Amazon Bestselling, Young Adult author, and a very dear friend, M.T.Magee, on to the blog today. I had the pleasure of reviewing this book last year. You can read the review here. We are going to have a bit of fun and interview one of her characters from her most beautiful historical fantasy, The Treasure of Gwenlais:The Reinfield Chronicles Book!
But first, let's take a look at the book....
Princess Laurel of Gwenlais, finds herself tragically and quickly thrust
into a world of danger, so unlike the idyllic and sheltered life she
has known. These dangers from an unknown enemy, also unexpectedly throw
her into the arms of Caleb, the warrior Prince of Heathwin, the nearby
kingdom in which Gwenlais has a tense alliance with. The more refined
people of Gwenlais, find their neighbors and protectors of the West
necessary, but consider them uncouth and sometimes barbaric. The long
and bloody feud between Heathwin, and the mysterious, frightening, and
misunderstood, race of beings, called the Rabkins, had finally reached
an uneasy truce, by the hard fought and diligent efforts of Prince
Caleb. This fragile agreement, was soon shattered by an attack from
outside, that threaten both kingdoms of Gwenlais and Heathwin. Laurel
and Caleb find themselves, not only fighting for the peace and existence
of their kingdoms, but fighting for their new found love that is
imperiled at every turn from a nameless enemy, and their own people as
well. Laurel follows her calling, by beginning her training in the
ancient healing arts of the Ollams. She soon finds that her skills may
be needed to heal more than just the physical wounds of others, but also
the wounds of the heart, long put upon by the people of both she and
Caleb’s kingdoms by the mistrust and bigotries of either side. As they
draw closer together, they discover just how far this unknown enemy, has
gone to tear them apart from within. They must together, find a way to
rise above old and long standing prejudices, and form a much stronger
alliance in order to fight against the new enemy from outside of their
borders, that threatens their very survival.
Character Interview
so much for agreeing to this interview. Firstly, could you introduce yourself?

If you
could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Caleb: I assume you mean in
the world of Rienfield. Though I do enjoy visiting mo chailin milis home of
Gwenlais several times each season, I will always call my kingdom of Heathwin
home. The majestic mountains and mossy forest will always be closest to my
would you consider to be your greatest strength?
Caleb: That is a most thought provoking question. I would have to say my ability to take charge of most situations. I have worked very hard to become a leader for my people but also be approachable. I also strive to be an example to my younger brother Aiden and my many younger cousins.
is your biggest regret?
Caleb: I can very easily say, conceding to a Marriage Agreement with my
first wife Morene. We did not love each other and only married because we were
pressured by both of our fathers. Her hatred for the Rabkins, a race I have
worked diligently to make peace with, caused her to commit a vicious act
against one of their Kindreds. It caused much strife and bloodshed for our
Describe your perfect day.

Now some silly questions!!
you ever swum naked?
Caleb: Why yes, darling many times. What an adorable cheeky lass you
are to ask me this. We here in Heathwin are not ashamed or shy concerning our
bodies as others might be. Swimming in the cool waters of Loch Tay growing up,
we often swam naked. The men of our Clan still do in the early morning hours,
each season we visit there.
What is your most embarrassing memory?
Caleb: Hmm. I have two actually, and they both involve my dear Laurel.
The first is when she was 12 seasons and I was just entering my 22nd
season and given the assignment of being responsible to bring back the harvest
supplies from the kingdom of Gwenlais, where my beloved is from. I did not wish
for her to accompany me and my group to go hunting. I had no desire to look
after her, as she was always running about and never did as she was told. After
telling her no, very calmly I might add, she proceeds to yell at me in front of
the entire group telling me what an unjust brute I am and other insults. Of
course everyone is laughing at this, which only makes me angrier, and I spanked
her for it. It left me feeling terrible, because she has this uncanny ability
to turn me into a pathetic sop. So I then bought her a new saddle and bridle
for her new horse, I regained her favor at that point. Eight seasons later when
bringing Laurel back to Heathwin, to formally meet the four Chieftains, before
our wedding, she curses me out in front of them for laughing at her losing her
temper at them for insulting and giving her beloved counselor a black eye. I
was embarrassed to be sure, but also a bit amused. I find her quite adorable
when she curses in the language of the Kedesh. Mo stor has quite the foul little
mouth at times.
dining or a picnic?
Caleb: As pleasant as fine dining can be I have to say I much prefer
the casual charm of a picnic. There is something about eating out of doors in
the fresh air that enhances one’s appetite.
makes you angry?
Caleb: LOL! Probably more
things that should. I loathe slavers and
raiders, and find smugglers to be equally deplorable. On a lighter note, I find
mimes to be particularly irksome. I also do not like when one of my younger
cousins sasses back or curses at me in front of others. I find the little
urchins to be quite irritating when they do that on occasion.
10. If you could choose a magic power, what
would it be?
There are those among my people that feel I already possess magic powers. After
my ‘sharing’ with a young Rabkin as a boy, my abilities with vision and hearing
were greatly enhanced. I am also the only human who has the ability to
communicate with the Rabkins and also sense when they are about. So I would
have to say these things are more than enough.
Thank you Prince Caleb for taking the time to answer my questions.
Caleb: The pleasure was all mine, darling.
Caleb politely but hurriedly took Laurel
away from the talkative woman, and lead her to the edge of the Hall’s dance
floor. Laurel looked at him smiling but puzzled at his behavior. She noticed
Aiden and a pretty young woman he had been with most of the evening beginning
to dance together, as well as other couples joining them. Laurel began to
recognize the dance being of a sensuous and romantic nature, she blushed but
watched in fascination, as the couples were moving slowly and gracefully
together. Caleb watched her face as she looked at the couples dancing slowly,
their bodies moving in perfect time, always touching, apart for only moments.
“Do you know this dance?” he asked
her softly, his voice caressing her ear.
“I have seen it, but I have never
been permitted to actually participate,” she answered, still watching in
“Would you like to?” Caleb asked her
quietly, moving his hands to her waist again.
“I...I do not know how,” she
whispered breathlessly, still watching completely captivated.
“I will show you. I know it very
well,” Caleb whispered back seductively.
She looked up at him to find him
smiling at her, his eyes glowing and penetrating, burning through her.
“Very well. I hope I do not embarrass
you,” she said shyly, laughing nervously.
“I am not worried in the least,” Caleb
said reassuringly.
Caleb took her hand and led her to
the floor, as they stood in front of each other. Listening carefully to the
melody, waiting for the next movement which happened in a moment’s time. Caleb
pulled Laurel gently to him, their bodies flush against each other. Caleb moved
his hand to her waist, placing her hand on his chest, he moved her forward
having her follow him as if she were pushing him backward. She looked at him,
her eyes wide and slightly startled, by the passionate nature of the movements
the dance was evoking. Caleb continued
to look in her eyes, smiling warmly at her as she moved to keep up with him.
She turned to look at the others around them, Caleb gently turned her face.
“Look at me love, only me. Imagine we
are the only people here,” he said to her softly.
He then gently turned her around
several times until her back was to him.
He placed his arm around her waist
placing her left arm about his neck as he gently lifted her off the floor and
twirled her around as her gown swirled around them like a billow of smoke. He
placed her down and turned her so she was facing him once again. He took her in
his arms holding her closer than he ever had, having her place her arm over his
shoulder holding her other hand in his placing it in the air, their arms
supporting each other. He moved her across the dance floor in an effortless
fluid motion. Twirling gracefully, Laurel felt there were times they were not
touching the ground. The entire time her eyes never leaving his face as he had
asked her. As the rhythm of the melody changed again he released her from his
embrace and twirled her around several times again with his arm as he moved
forward. He stopped abruptly as the tempo halted for a moment, only a single
cymbal could be heard. He slowly bent her backward his hand resting on the
small of her back, bringing his face down to her neck as she reached up and
grasped the back of his neck for support. He then brought her back up to him
quickly, making her catch breath, her eyes opened wide with surprise, as he
continued to smile at her lovingly. Taking her in his arms again he repeated
the dance by moving her gracefully across the floor. Once more the tempo
changed as he placed her hand against his chest and his hand at her waist once
more. Only this time she was ready for the next motion and moved with him
unresistingly as he moved backward, drawing her with him. Aiden watched them from across the floor and
was intrigued by how quickly Laurel was able to follow and adjust to the
constant changing of the music’s tempo. Caleb was patient and loving in his
They are really quite distracting,
Aiden thought as he grinned watching them.
So much so, other couples also
noticed them, slowly beginning to stop dancing to watch them move in perfect
harmony with each other.
Caleb again twirled Laurel several
times until she was facing away from him.
Laurel laid her head back against him. Closing her eyes as she placed
her arm around his neck, her right arm over his as he placed it tightly around
her waist. Caleb turned his face into her neck as he gently lifted her off the
floor twirling her about again, the gown giving the illusion that they were
enveloped in cloud of deep blue smoke. Caleb placed her gently down and turning
Laurel once more to face him, took her in his arms holding her close to him
resting his lips against her forehead. They held each other, eyes closed,
moving slowly in perfect time with each other as the music’s tempo began to
slowly wind down. Moving ever slowly until the music directed them to stop.
They stood still for a moment listening to each other’s breathing. It was only
until they heard the sound of applause did they open their eyes. Laurel and Caleb
were both surprised to find it was for them. Laurel blushed her cheeks blazing.
Caleb held her, smiling down at her. He softly kissed her forehead, before taking
her hand and leading her off the floor, as she was smiling but overwhelmed by
the attention they received.
Laurel could scarcely breathe as they
walked together, her heart racing with the exhilaration she felt from the
passionate dance.
Where can I buy this fabulous book?
A note from the author
The world I have created, comes from the inspiration of both my Scottish
heritage and my husband’s Irish descent, with pride and respect for both
cultures. The beauty of the Scottish Highlands, as well as the lush rolling
meadows of Ireland, serve as a backdrop
for the mythical realm of Rienfield. Many of the names of villages and towns
that are used are actual names of towns
and villages of Scotland and Ireland. They are
used in direct correlation for what their rich past made them known for and is applied with loving respect for
their history in the story. Many of the names of the characters are Irish,
Scottish, or Gaelic, again showing my love and admiration for our heritages.
The characters also speak Old Irish, from time to time, referring to it as ‘old
speak.’ I hope you will find this as fascinating and beautiful as I did.
You will find the Kingdoms of Gwenlais and Heathwin filled with wonder, danger, adventure, romance, love of
family as well as betrayal.
The people, races, and beings, will beckon you to return and visit, over
and again, sharing in their joys, sorrows, tragedies and triumphs.
So my friends, find your
comfortable reading place, and immerse yourself in the lives of the warm,
courageous, humorous, and sometimes frightening characters, which make up the world of Rienfield.
With warmest regards;
M.T. Magee
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See you on your next coffee break!
Take Care,
Mary Anne xxx